Our Approach is Different And it Works
We Are Fearless
Whether we are delivering our transformative learning experience or working with you in our consultancy capacity weare fearless and unapologetic in our analysis of the root causes of inequities. It’s why we work with daring companies.
This focus on the ways systems of inequities produce unequal and harmful outcomes for marginalised groups, can be uncomfortable for some. Many organisations prefer to avoid this – whether in their choice of training or in their analysisof how their policies and processes perpetuate these outcomes. It’s why so much effort that goes into ‘inclusion’ often fails.
The process of transformation means we cannot side step discomfort, we must move through it. We cannot engagein courageous analysis and actions within our companies without understanding the realities of what inequity really is,
who we are and what our own relationship with the perpetuation of inequity may be – even when our intentions are good. Pedagogically, in our training, we also understand moments of cognitive discomfort to be some of the richest learning experiences.
Our expertise
Our approach is rooted in precise, technical and robust understandings of inequities and oppression: where they come from, how they show up in and shape organisations, and crucially how we can recalibrate and design inclusion and equity into the fabric of workplace ecosystems, both for people, policy and product.
Our Methodology is Intersectional
The analytical framework that seeks to problem-solve at the intersection is called ‘intersectionality’, a term coined by Black feminist and legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, though theorised for centuries before her. This collective theorising centres Black women. Crenshaw and other Black feminists’ gift has been that this framework is now used across inequities. In our work, we use this analytical framework as we explore sexism, racisms, colonialism, Islamophobia, cissexism, heterosexism, disablism, antisemitism and classism. Our clients consistently find this commitment in our approach important, because it is rooted in recognisable social realities that honour the ways inequities overlap to produce particularistic outcomes for those who live at the intersections.
Whether in our training or consultancy, we centre this analysis and provide our clients with ways to incorporate this into their personal practice through training or into analyses that shapes policy, process and product re-design in service of equity.
How We Help You Develop
an Inclusion and Equity Programme
A diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy must recognise the role of leaders and policymakers. We offer training for company leaders to teach how systems of inequities inform people’s everyday experiences and how organisational changes that optimise for inclusion and equity can create an environment where everyone is afforded what they need to thrive. Fearless Futures also provides company-wide workshops and a new E-Learning to elevate everyone’s baseline inclusion and equity capabilities.
If you wish to implement policies, processes and products that integrate inclusion and equity, our Consultancy can help you build these from the ground up.
The Benefits of Partnering
With Fearless Futures
Beyond our unique approach to equity and inclusion that facilitates real change, with every workshop and our Consultancy, we provide:
Accuracy in our analysis of inequities is essential for robust change. If we aren’t precise we can waste time and energy pulling the wrong lever in our ecosystem. Our team brings a myriad of experiences and expertise to ensure you have practical and applicable frameworks and tools for deep equity.
In our commitment to step through discomfort, we acknowledge the historic roots that live in today’s inequities. We offer depth so learners from all walks of life can better understand where inequity comes from, how it shows up and how it is maintained, so they are equipped to tackle it..
Every company’s DEI goals and needs will vary based on the starting point and the scale of the commitment. Our equity training addresses these unique parameters to provide the education and support your team needs for visible growth across your organisation.
Ambition: We are ambitious for you and for ourselves.
In every workshop we lead, our ambition for what’s possible shines through.
There must exist a paradigm, a practical model for social change that includes an understanding of ways to transform consciousness that are linked to efforts to transform structures.

Solidarity redistribution
Each year we re-distribute a portion of our surplus to organisations working to serve people on society’s margins which are also often organisations on the margins of philanthropic and funding interests. We specifically name this as a solidarity redistribution instead of charity to acknowledge our shared commitments to challenging oppression, domination and injustice.
Over the last three years we are proud to have distributed over £200,000 equivalent to the following organisations:

Choose Fearless Futures for Equity and Inclusion Services
Fearless Futures gives organisations the resources and learning experiences they need to create environments that optimise for deep inclusion and equity. Get in touch with us today to learn more.